22 March 2018….A Disclosure day!
What would you imagine to find if I told you to cross the threshold of the marketing world?
A lot of frenzy, men in suits and ties, seminars, business meetings and secretaries… Am I right?
That is the perception that one has when entering Marketing Expo (B2B) and Marketing & Advertising Expo (B2C). They are two parallel exhibitions held at Excel London on March 21st and 22nd.

Purple aisle at B2B Marketing Expo 2018
B2B Marketing Expo is an interactive exhibition and conference designed specifically for the marketing industry. There are high-quality exhibitors alongside a lot of conferences that show some of the world's most influential figures in marketing.

David Lockie talking about digital marketing
B2C Marketing & Advertising Expo is a leading and engaging exhibition and conference thought specifically to showcase the latest and most ingenious developments in consumer marketing and its future trends.

Cutest robot ever: Mr. Pepper!
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Alan Duncan at the microphone!
It is certainly a different exposition from the others: extremely interesting and full of free seminars with the most inspiring personalities of the moment....
...It feels a bit like returning children to school desks, but in suits!
Sources: http://www.b2bmarketingexpo.co.uk/